Berlin is an international service metropolis. This sector is hugely important to both the economic and employment situations in the city, and was responsible for bringing in around 84% of the total economic value created in Berlin in 2013. 88% of all those employed in Berlin in 2013 were working in the service sector.

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Berlin is an international tourist destination. This industry acts as the main source of income for 275,000 Berliners, generating 11.5 billion euros in turnover each year. And it's not only the hotel and catering industry that benefits – the 'catalytic' effects also carry through into retail, public transport, logistics, supply and disposal services, healthcare and the creative industry. Of the over 11 million visitors to the city in 2013, almost 45% came from abroad – and the trend continues to rise. As such, Berlin's airports and train stations act as international service locations and hubs with a highly dynamic employment structure.

Interaction with international customers continues to offer new challenges to those working at all levels of this industry, and shall do so for many years to come. Knowledge of foreign languages and intercultural skills are becoming increasingly important, and are often required for positions in this sector.